Elica Sartogo
Elica decided to carry on her family tradition in addition to her experiences in the art field, fashion industry, and agricolture. She has studied Industrial Design at ISIA in Roma, she graduated in Architecture Pathway, 'Art, Design & Environment' course, at the Central Saint Martins in London, and holds a Master degree in Building Restoration - with Prof. Doct. G. Carbonara - from La Sapienza University of Rome. In 2012, she joined the Supino International Architecture Summer School as Tutor Professor. She became associate of the studio Sartogo in 2013. She believes architecture should be a good sensation.
I believe architecture should make those who experience it happy through it’s beauty. My notion of architecture is that, it is the true expression of someone’s dream- that abstract moment when your head is in the air, you capture that feeling and 'build it up'.
The Cubic Tomatoes' Room | Siena
La Moretta Rome
Knowledge Journey | Roma
Slow Street | London
ARcheo logoS | Roma
Knowledge Centre | Roma
Knowledge Room | London
Slow Library | London
House in Devon England
Schola Archaeologia | Roma
Palazzo Taverna | Diplomatic Delegation of the UE | Roma
Cantinetta | Castello di Monteriggioni | Siena
Loft | Parigi
Villa nel Chianti
Heart Table
Seating Forest
La sedia dell'Elica | Elica's Chair
Tracciati in piani
Grain de beauté
ART bag | Biennale di Venezia
Conus Sea Shell Dresses | Alta Roma
SAR Perfumes | TUILERIES N°1
Isia Design Pavillon
Contemporary Art Hangar
- ‘Art’ è ‘, tv program, RaiTre, Italia. ES co-presenter of the program which was conducted by art critics Philippe d’ Averio at the exhibition ‘ the Apocalypse now ‘ at the British Museum, London, 1999
- Reset, CaffèEuropa, “Biblioteche, che fine fanno?”, Article and project by ES, 2010 http://www.caffeeuropa.it/index.php?id=6,467
- Il Giornale dell’Arredamento, Rima Editrice, price for “Grain de Beauté” design object, 06/2010
- UniRomaTV, service and reporter ES, Landscape Architecture Phd’s roundtable, 2011
“Trees in the City” , http://cdn.uniroma.tv/video.asp?id=18329
“Walk City/landscape” , http://cdn.uniroma.tv/video.asp?id=18063
- I Maestri dell’Architettura , Sartogo Architetti Associati a cura di Lorenzo Respi, Hachette, 2013 ; collection poster drawing by ES
- DragoLab , “Lady Biennale”, article by ES, www.dragolab.com%Fen%2Fposts%2Fladybiennale&h=f6929
- Style , Corriere della Sera, interview by Camilla Baresani, 2014
- AltaRoma 2015, “Conus Sea Shell Dresses” Capsule collection, Artisanal Intelligence Exhibition
Corriere della Sera, Cronaca di Roma,“ Alta Moda Fragrante Eccellenza” by Flavia Fiorentino, 02/2015
Artribune, “AltaRoma - A.I. gennaio 2015 ”, 02/2015
VogueTalents, http://www.vogue.it/talents/news/2015/01/artisanal-intelligence-smaterializzazione-e-reinvenzione,
Elle, “Sfilate AltaModa a Roma: A.I. Artisanal Intelligence edizione 2015”, 01/2015
MarieClaire, http://www.marieclaire.it/Moda/news-appuntamenti/Commento-sfilate-moda-haute-couture-AltaRoma-2015
- Biennale di Venezia, Sistema Italia, ArtBag Design System by Elica in collaboration with artist Alberto Di Fabio, 05/2015
InsideArt, http://insideart.eu/tag/si-sistema-italia/
Elle, http://www.elle.it/magazine/news/g1176480/venezia-biennale/
- Christie’s, “Le Tendenze del Collezionismo di Design”, debate with ES, 2015
- Cabana International Magazine, Issue 4, “ On the precious art of the Roman master goldsmith Diego Percossi Papi ”, Spring/Summer 2016, article by ES
- Cabana International Magazine, Issue 5, “ Urbi et Orbi ”, Spring/Summer 2016, production by ES
- “Sedia dell’Elica”, Propeller Chair, specially designed for the permanent collection of Museo d’Inverno, Siena, interview to ES, 2017
- Associazione ArteInMente
Artribune, “In vendita per beneficenza pezzi dell’opera dello street artist JBRock in mostra al Macro di Roma” by Maria Cristina Ferraioli, 09/2017, www.artribune.com/arti-visive/arte-contemporanea/2017/09/in-vendita-per-beneficenza-pezzi-dellopera-dello-street-artist-jbrock-in-mostra-al-macro-di-roma/
Exhibitions & Awards
- “ Special Mention” at the national competition “ Young and Design” by Rima editrice, Salone del Mobile, Milan for the Design Object “ Grain de Beauté ”, 2010
- Laureate price Jila Golzari , Central Saint Martins, for the quality of the development of the thesis project “ Knowledge Centre ”and best attendance, 2010
-“Conus Sea shell dresses” Capsule Collection exhibited at Artisanal Intelligence, Alta Roma, 2015
-“Sistema Italia” , ArtBag Design system by Elica with artist Alberto Di Fabio , in dialogue with Artist Aaron Mirza’s performance, Hotel Bauer, Biennale di Venezia, 2015
-“Sedia dell’Elica”, Propeller Chair, specially designed for the permanent Collection of Museo d’Inverno, Siena, 2017
Tutor at Supino International Summer School, “Contested Space and responsive archi-tecture”, 2012